Mineral Deposits Division of the Geological Association of Canada
Rules and Procedures
First draft January 22, 1998
The Mineral Deposits Division (MDD) operates under its own Constitution and By-Laws set out at its inception (date). The Division does have its own Rules of Procedure, which are outlined in this document.
The objective of the Divisions operations is to serve the mineral research and exploration community at large, and its members in particular, by the advancement and promotion of mineral deposits-related geoscience. It will accomplish these goals through support for publications, field trips, short courses, special interest symposium/sessions, lecture tours, and recognition of excellence. It will also facilitate interaction between its members and members of other societies.
The Division shall consist of an Executive Committee, whose officers will include a Chairman, Vice-Chairman, Secretary and Treasurer, along with a Past-Chair. The Executive Committee will also include subcommittee chairpersons for: Publications, Professional Development, Membership, Awards, Newsletter Editor, and Local Organizing Program Chairs for the GAC Annual General Meetings.
The Division will also include a Board of Directors that will not be less than seven, or exceed nine, in number.
1. Chairperson:
Responsible for the overall guidance and coordination of the Divisions activities.
Presides at all meetings of the Executive Committee.
Casts a deciding vote at properly constituted Executive meetings.
Is an ex-officio member of all Division sub-committees.
Is responsible for the selection of officers and directors for Executive approval.
Is responsible for canvasing for the Divisions bi-annual selection of the Howard Street Robinson Lecturer and presenting the candidate to Committee for approval.
Is responsible for following the guidelines set out below in “Awards Procedures” to ensure a successful lecture series.
Is responsible for the selection process for the Duncan Derry Award, and for informing the award winner of the committee decision.
For acquiring a 5×7 photo from the award winner for display, and a copy of the Chairpersons nomination speech and the winners acceptance speech for publication in the Gangue.
Provides liaison between the Division and the Geological Association of Canada Council and other professional societies.
Provides one annual and to interim reports to GAC Council summarizing Division activities and finances.
Communicates Duncan Derry and Harvey Gross award winners names to the spouse and/or family and invites a family representative to attend the annual MDD luncheon to witness the award ceremony.
Transmits the annual request to the Derry family for the $500.00 endowment support for the Duncan Derry Award, which is made through the Geological foundation of Canada.
Transmits thanks to individuals for services to the Division during her/his present term.
Welcomes all new members to the Division, and sends letters of regret to those who resign.
Should prepare a short note to the members for each copy of the Gangue.
2. Vice-Chairperson:
Is a member of the Executive Committee, and acts for the Chairperson in their absence.
Is responsible for liaison with MDD representatives on AGM Local Organizing Committees.
Is responsible for communicating Executive Committee decisions and requirements to the Board of Directors for their consultation.
Is responsible for the selection of the Julian Boldy Award committee, final decision as to the award winners, and transmission of the results to the Executive Committee and winners.
Responsible for acquiring from the Boldy award winners illustrated written copies of their award-winning presentations for publication in the Gangue.
Is responsible for the Harvey Gross Award selection committee, and for communicating the committees decision to the Chairperson and award winner.
Is responsible for acquiring a 5×7 photo of the recipient for display, and a copy of the Vice-Chairpersons nomination speech and winners acceptance speech for publication in the Gangue.
Is responsible for informing the Gross family of the committee decision, after the nominee agrees to accept the award, and for inviting a family member to attend the annual Division luncheon to see the award accepted.
Is responsible for becoming acquainted with the Chairpersons duties and ongoing responsibilities as it pertains to the smooth transfer of authority to the next Chairperson.
3. Treasurer
Is a member of the Executive Committee and assists the Chairperson.
Manages the financial affairs of the Division in concert with decisions of the Executive Committee.
Reports the financial status of the Division to the Executive Committee when requested.
Manages a joint chequeing account held by the Treasurer and Chairperson.
Is responsible for preparing informal, year-end financial statement for the Executive Committee, which in turn transmits the statement to GAC Council.
Is responsible for supervising an official annual financial statement completed by a chartered accounting firm.
Is responsible for supplying the editor of the Gangue with a copy of the annual statement for publication.
4. Secretary
Is a member of the Executive Committee and assists the Chairperson.
Ensures that the Executive Committee has up to date lists of members and newly appointed Officers, Sub-committee Chairpersons and Directors.
Ensures that the Executive Committee has updated copies of the Rules of Procedure, and that this document is available to members upon request.
Contacts Executive Committee members and Directors of formal meeting times not less than four weeks before the meeting to confirm their attendance.
Has circulated the proposed agenda drawn up by the Secretary and Chairperson to all attendees four weeks before the proposed meeting.
Records proceedings of all formal meetings of the Executive Committee, and transmits these minutes to all Committee members and Directors.
Ensures that the minutes of all meetings are retained as part of the permanent Division records.
Prepares a short synopsis of all pertinent decisions made at a meeting for inclusion in the Gangue.
2.1 Publications
a) Reports to the Chairperson of the Executive Committee
b) Is responsible for all matters pertaining to Division publications
c) Must initiate publication projects through interaction with other Executive Committee members, Directors, members and other persons involved in mineral research and exploration
d) In particular, must cooperate closely with Professional Development chairman and Local Organizing Committee members in pursuit of publications from short courses, special sessions and field trips held at Annual General Meetings
e) Ensure that Division-GAC established guidelines are supplied to publication editors, and that they are adhered to
d) Ensure that publication editors meet agreed upon deadlines, particularly for AGM publications
f) Prepare publication cost estimates for presentation and approval of the Executive Committee
g) Enter into contractual arrangements with a publisher only with written approval of the Executive Committee
2.2 Professional Development
2.2.1 Short Courses
a) Reports to the Chairperson of the Executive Committee
b) Develops ideas for short courses to be presented at the AGM through interaction with the Division representative on the Local Organizing Committee and from soliciting proposals from the mineral research and exploration community
c) Presents short course proposals for approval of the Executive Committee before submitting to the Local Organizing Committee
d) Short course budget proposals must be scrutinized in concert with the Treasurer, and budgets presented to Executive Committee for approval
e) Ensure that the Division has first right of refusal with respect to external funding or publishing proposals brought forward by the short course coordinator
f) Cooperate closely with the Publications Sub-Committee Chairperson in planing publishable products from a short course
2.2.2 Field Trips
a) Reports to the Chairperson of the Executive Committee
b) Develops ideas for field trips through solicited and unsolicited proposals from the mineral research and exploration communities
c) Is responsible for developing Division-sponsored field trips attached to the AGM through coordination with the Division representative on the LOC
d) Ensures that AGM field trip proposals are approved by the Executive Committee before offering sponsorship to the LOC
e) Is responsible for liaison with other societies in developing field trip proposals
f) May act as the lead agent for field trip organization only with approval of the Executive Committee
g) Is responsible for protecting Division interests for Division-sponsored field trips coordinated by third parties
h) Is responsible for examining publication potential with Publications Sub-Committee Chairperson
I) Must obtain budget approval from the Executive Committee, and present the Committee with benchmark financial reports
2.3 Medals
a) Reports to the Chairperson of the Executive Committee
b) Is responsible for initiating a Medals Sub-committee immediately following the end of the AGM
c) Is responsible for following the guidelines set up for the sub-committee by the Executive Committee as stated below in this document under “Award Procedures”
d) Must submit award nominations to the Executive Committee no later than January 31
2.4 Membership
a) Is a member of the Executive Committee
b) Is responsible for encouraging new membership to the Division through advertising and incentive programs
c) Incentive programs may include special pricing of events and publications
d) Membership drives may take place through the Division newsletter, through newsletters from other societies and at geoscience conferences
e) Membership drives should be approved and coordinated with other Executive Committee Members
2.5 Newsletter Editor
a) Is an ex-officio member of the Executive Committee
b) Is responsible for the quarterly publication of the Division newsletter
c) Is responsible for the contents of the newsletter and for its printing and its distribution to all members, associate and corporate members
d) Ensures representation of Division activities through articles and adververtising
e) Shall include in the newsletter an updated list of names and addresses of the Executive Committee
f) Shall include an up to date listing of events of interest to the mineral deposit community
2.6 Local Organizing Committee Representatives
a) Are ex-officio members of the Executive Committee and shall report to the Chairman
b) Are responsible for Division representation at the GAC Annual General Meetings through oral and poster presentations at general and special sessions, short courses and field trips
c) Will be members of the Local Organizing Committees for the GAC AGM where they will defend the Divisions interests
d) Will act as a contact between the Division and individuals, or groups, wishing to apply for Division support and/or sponsorship of events at the AGM
a) Shall consist of nine persons representing aa much as possible the spectrum within the mineral research and exploration communities
b) Shall rotate membership in accordance to the Divisions Constitution and By-Laws
c) Shall advise the Executive Committee in various matters pertaining to running the Division
d) Shall supervise and regulate the activities of the Executive Committee according to the Constitution, By-Laws and Rules of Procedure
One of the most visible, and profitable, functions of the Division is the sponsoring of short courses at the GAC Annual General Meetings, and publication of short course notes. Certain guidelines should be followed by the short course organizer to ensure its smoothest possible completion, and at the same time protecting the interests of the Division and the parent Association.
1. Any submission for Division sponsorship of an AGM short course must be made to the Executive Committee through the Short Course Sub-Committee Chairperson.
2. The written submission should include:
a) Short course title and objectives
b) List of proposed presentations and authors
c) A proposed budget that includes all forseeable costs and the minimum required registration
d) Any proposed inclusion of other organizations in support of the short course
e) The type of publication that will accompany the short course presentation
3. Upon approval of the Executive Committee, the Short Course Chair will then pass the short course proposal to the Division Representative on the Local Organizing Committee
4. Because the short course is held under the umbrella of the parent Association the GAC must be given the opportunity for joint sponsorship. Once the Association has exercised their right of refusal, the short course organizer can then formally invite an outside society to become involved as a sponsor.
5. As the principal sponsor, the Division reserves the right to maintain at least a 50% share of the funding/profits with one other partner, and at least 30% if there is three or more funding partners.
6. As the principal sponsor of the short course, the Division reserves the right of first refusal in publishing the short course notes for general sale during and after the AGM.
7. The same rules apply to publication funding as with the short course.
8. If the Association or an outside agency wishes to support publication of the notes as a Division publication, they will be acknowledged on the front cover through their logos etc.
9. If an outside society is involved in funding the publication, the Division reserves the right to negotiate agreements with respect to joint advertising, sales and distribution.
Any request for the Division to sponsor a special session must be approved by the Executive Committee. The role of sponsor involves financial assistance to allow the organizer to invite keynote speakers. The funding ranges between $2000.00 to $3000.00, and the cost is commonly divided between the Division and the Local Organizing Committee.
Any plans by the organizer to publish the results of the special session must give the Division first right of refusal. If the Division wishes to publish the session results, the same rules are followed as for short course publication.
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