Mineral Deposits Division of the Geological Association of Canada
By-Laws and Constitution
1. Name
Mineral Deposits Division of the Geological Association of Canada
2. Objectives
A. To foster and promote the interest of Canadian geologists who are concerned with mineral deposits
B. To facilitate and encourage the study and discussion of the geology of mineral deposits by promoting meetings, symposia, field conferences and tours open to geologists from all disciplines of the earth sciences.
C. To encourage the publication of papers relating to all aspects of the geology of mineral deposits, particularly those for publication in the C.J.E.S. and other GAC publications.
D. To provide a forum for effective dialogue between various groups of earth scientists on Mineral Deposits so that more and increasingly productive study, research and understanding can be achieved.
1. Membership
Members of the Division shall be members in good standing of the Geological Association of Canada. Associate members of the Division shall be non-residents of Canada.
2. Application for Membership
Members of the G.A.C. or its constituent Divisions may become members of the Division by application to the Secretary of the Division and payment of the annual fee.
3. Eligibility to Vote
Only members in good standing are eligible to vote on Division business. Associate members are not eligible to vote.
1. Fees
Annual Division membership fees shall be set from time to time. Student members shall be exempt from annual dues.
There shall be no Division initiation fees.
1. Officers
The Division will be administered by an executive committee and governed by a Board of Directors. The executive committee will be responsible for the effective functioning of the Division within the guidelines of policy established by the Board of Directors. The executive will establish ad hoc sub-committees from time to time to expedite the business of the Division.
a. The Executive Committee shall consist of nine members – Chairperson; Vice-Chairperson; Secretary; Treasurer; Program Chairperson; Publications Chairperson; Membership Chairperson; Professional Development Chairperson – Field Trips;Professional Development Chairperson – Short Courses.
b. The Board of Directors shall number 9. No specific regional or functional representation shall be required.
In so far as is practical, officers and directors shall include representatives of government, university, industry, and the various regions of Canada and the various sub- disciplines represented by the membership.
2. Terms of Office
The executive committee will be elected annually by a vote of the members of the Division.
The Directors will be elected to 3 year terms with 1/3 retiring in each calendar year.
3. Nominating Committee
Nominations for election of the executive committee and the directors will be made by a nominating committee of three members of the Division and (ex officio) the Chairman of the Division. The nominating committee will be selected annually by the Board of Directors.
4. Nomination of Officers
At least 40 days before the Annual Meeting the nominating committee shall mail to members a list of nominations for all elective offices that will become vacant at the time of the Annual Meeting. Any three members may provide additional nominations for one or more of the elective offices by mailing the names together with the names of the nominating members to the Secretary. All nominations that have been legally filed with the Secretary at least forty days before the annual meeting shall be mailed to members , together with a ballot , at least twenty-five days before the Annual Meeting.
5. Meetings
The Annual Meeting of the Division shall be held whenever possible at the G.A.C. Annual Meeting. Special general meetings may be called at any time by the executive or by a written petition signed by a quorum of the members of the Division.
6. Quorum
A quorum shall be whichever is less of ten members or ten percent of the membership of the Division.
1. Chairperson
The Chairperson or his designate in the absence of the Vice-Chairperson shall preside at meetings of the Division.
2. Vice-Chairperson
The Vice-Chairperson shall have and assume the powers and duties of the Chairperson in the event of the absence or disability of the Chairperson.
The Secretary shall keep the records of the proceedings of the Division and shall also act as the Secretary to the Executive and keep the records of its proceedings. The Secretary shall issue notices of all meetings. The Secretary shall keep a complete list of the members of the Division and their place of residence.
4. Treasurer
The Treasurer shall collect and disburse all funds and shall have the custody of all the funds of the Division. He shall deposit such funds in the name of the Division in a bank or trust company designated by the Executive.
The Treasurer shall report in writing at the Annual Meeting of the Division and the Executive on his receipts and disbursements of funds and other financial transactions since his last previous report and the balance of money in his hands.
1. By-Laws
By-Laws of the Division may be adopted , amended or rescinded only by the voting members. Votes on such constitutional changes shall be carried out by mailed ballots and proposed changes shall be approved only if a majority of the ballots received by the specified date are in agreement. Copies of the proposed by-laws and amendments and/or the nature of rescission of by-laws shall be mailed by the Executive with the ballots to the voting members of the Division not less than twenty or more than forty days before the designated voting date.
2. Proposals of Amendments
Any quorum of members may, by letters addressed to the Secretary, recommend to the Executive the adoption, amendment or rescission of a rule, and the Executive shall carry out a mailed ballot vote on the proposed amendment no later than the general mailing preceding the next annual meeting.
The Constitution and By-Laws of the Division shall be consistent with the Constitution, By-Laws, Rules and Regulations of the Geological Association of Canada.