Daniel Gregory
MDD Awards Coordinator
E-mail: daniel.gregory@utoronto.ca
University of Toronto
Department of Earth Sciences
22 Ursula Franklin St., Toronto
Ontario, M5S 3B1, Canada
tel. (416)-978-3022
Supporting information is required, which may be submitted after December 31st but before the end of January. A completed nomination is valid for three years and shall include the following supporting documents:
Cover Letter (maximum 2 pages)
Citation (30 words or less; on Awards Nomination Form)
Citation expanded (maximum 400 words; separate document)
Curriculum vitae of nominee
Supporting letter from First Co-Sponsor (maximum 1 page)
Supporting letter from Second Co-Sponsor (maximum 1 page)
It is the responsibility of the Principal Sponsor to complete the Awards Nomination Form and to gather the supporting information.