

The Mineral Deposits Division of the Geological Association of Canada annually bestows four prestigious awards in recognition of outstanding work in economic geology, significant contribution to economic geology in Canada, outstanding papers presented at the annual meeting and advancement of research in Precambrian Geology and/or Metal Mining.

Duncan R. Derry Medal

The Duncan R. Derry Medal is the highest award bestowed by the Mineral Deposits Division (MDD). It is awarded annually to the outstanding economic geologist who has made significant contributions to the science of economic geology in Canada.

William Harvey Gross Award

The William Harvey Gross Award is bestowed annually by the MDD to a geoscientist less than 40 years of age (as of December 31 of the nomination year) who has made a significant contribution to the field of economic geology in a Canadian context.

Julian Boldy Certificate Award

The Julian Boldy Certificate Awards for the most significant and creative papers presented at the Mineral Deposits Division session at the annual meeting of the GAC/MAC.

Howard Street Robinson Medal

The Howard Street Robinson Medal recognizes a respected and well-spoken geoscientist who will further the scientific study of Precambrian Geology and/or Metal Mining through a presentation of a distinguished lecture across Canada.

Nomination for:
The Duncan R. Derry Medal
William Harvey Gross Award 

Nominations for the Duncan R. Derry Medal and the William Harvey Gross Award are to be made by three members of the MDD, jointly or by independent submission. Nomination forms shall be submitted to the MDD Awards Coordinator on or before December 31st of any calendar year at the address below:
Daniel Gregory
MDD Awards Coordinator
University of Toronto
Department of Earth Sciences
22 Ursula Franklin St., Toronto
Ontario, M5S 3B1, Canada
tel. (416)-978-3022

Supporting information is required, which may be submitted after December 31st but before the end of January. A completed nomination is valid for three years and shall include the following supporting documents:

Cover Letter (maximum 2 pages)
Citation (30 words or less; on Awards Nomination Form)
Citation expanded (maximum 400 words; separate document)
Curriculum vitae of nominee
Supporting letter from First Co-Sponsor (maximum 1 page)
Supporting letter from Second Co-Sponsor (maximum 1 page)

It is the responsibility of the Principal Sponsor to complete the Awards Nomination Form and to gather the supporting information.
Nomination Form
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